Update Research Advances in the Application of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Schizophrenia [Review]

SOURCE: Scanning. 2022:5415775, 2022.

AUTHORS: Wu Y; Yang Z; Cui S

ABSTRACT: Schizophrenia presents a chronic progressive course and requires long-term treatment. The current treatment of schizophrenia is mainly based on antipsychotic drugs, but drugs are ineffective for the negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunction of schizophrenia, and long-term medication may increase the burden on the endocrine and circulatory systems of patients. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is a noninvasive, painless, safe, efficacious, and economical physical therapy measure that has achieved good results in the treatment of schizophrenia. This paper reviews the progress of research on the clinical application of transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of schizophrenia.

CONCLUSION: rTMS is widely used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, and stimulation of different areas may produce different effects. Stimulation of patients??temporoparietal areas may treat schizophrenic patients??hallucinatory symptoms, and stimulation of patients??frontal areas may improve patients??negative symptoms and cognition. In addition to the above treatment effects, some researchers have also explored the use of rTMS to intervene with wall skin symptoms in patients with schizophrenia, but because the relevant studies are very limited, they are not discussed in this article. These are all related to the functional activation of relevant brain regions and have been supported by neuroimaging, and the effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on schizophrenia treatment can be confirmed. A number of other factors exist that may influence the efficacy of rTMS: combination medication, psychotherapy, and other therapies that may stimulate the brain. Although there are few controls applying pseudo-stimulation, there are differences in perception and the resulting psychological effects can influence the results and lead to errors. To date, there is a lack of high-quality RCTs of rTMS interventions in schizophrenia, and the influence of individual differences and placebo effects on the results cannot be excluded. Moreover, treatment parameters are not uniform and therefore no clear conclusions can yet be drawn about efficacy. Therefore, further confirmation of efficacy and further exploration of the optimal parameters of treatment are needed in large sample, multicenter RCT studies. In conclusion, the future prospect of rTMS application to psychiatric disorders is still worth looking forward to.

FULL ARTICLE LINK: https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5415775