Transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment of various psychiatric disorders


Poleszczyk A. Institution Poleszczyk, Anna. II Klinika Psychiatryczna IPiN w Warszawie.


Transcranial magnetic stimulation in treatment of various psychiatric disorders – review of the most prominent studies and the latest news. [Review]


Psychiatria Polska. 49(4):779-89, 2015.


The aim of this paper was to present the current use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in psychiatric disorders with the mode of its application and results of most prominent studies. The most robust data concerns its use in major depressive disorder, while in other psychiatric disorders results are preliminary. TMS with the development of new techniques and new treatment protocols has a potential to become a very useful treatment tool in pharmacoresistant patients or patients intolerant of pharmacotherapy.

Publication Type:

Journal Article. Review.